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My Name is Cayla

  •  Small Town Teenager
  • Caring and Loving
  • Wanting to Make a Difference

All of my life, I wanted to make some sort of difference. I was always the "odd ball" out, I could never focus,  was always interested in exploring the outdoors. I grew up being taught that a woman's "place" was married by 30, have a few children, and settle down in one place forever. That preset image scared me. I was never the "conservative" type, and naturally I got judged for it. That didn't bother me. What dd bother me was all of the hate, the discrimination, between so many groups of people. Homosexuals VS. Heterosexuals, Same Race Relationships VS. Mixed Race, Abortion VS. No Abortion, the hate goes on for eternity. I've made it my life goal to try and make equality spread, and make everyone feel beautiful.

                                                      -XOXO, Cayla V. <3

Perfect Is An Illusion. Freedom Means Equal. You Are Beautiful.

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